Grateful Tuesday!
Motivational Quotes - Grateful Tuesday! Whenever I am at WAR with my SOUL, either I Loses or Wins. The MORE often I LOSES, the more…
Motivational Quotes - Grateful Tuesday! Whenever I am at WAR with my SOUL, either I Loses or Wins. The MORE often I LOSES, the more…
Thought of the Day - Profound Monday! We should WAIT for the Mud to SETTLE down in a pond before we can GET the CLEAN…
Thought of the Day - Brilliant Sunday! You CAN'T start the NEW Chapter if you always keep RE-READING the PREVIOUS chapter. Similarly, you cannot GROW…
Thought of the Day - Amazing Saturday! A SMILE can Open any HEART faster than any KEY used to open a Door. So try to…
Thought of the Day - Cautious Friday! AWAKENING in Life means NOT to Change WHO you are, but DISCARDING who YOU ARE NOT. The SELF-REALIZATION…
Thought of the Day - Beautiful Thursday! The SUNRISE here is actually the SUNSET on the other end of the WORLD. So we must NEVER…
Thought of the Day - Colorful Wednesday! You are the ARTIST of your LIFE. Don't give your Paint BRUSH of Life to ANYONE else. Choose…
Thought of the Day - Proven Tuesday! FAITH is a small word that takes a SECOND to READ, a MINUTE to THINK, a DAY to…
Thought of the Day - Rejoiced Monday! When you are FACE TO FACE with your MISTAKE that you made, Look into the MIRROR once, SMILE,…