Authentic Thursday!
Motivational Thoughts - Authentic Thursday! KNOWLEDGE is a huge ocean; You are really LUCKY if you are able to Collect few drops of knowledge to…
Motivational Thoughts - Authentic Thursday! KNOWLEDGE is a huge ocean; You are really LUCKY if you are able to Collect few drops of knowledge to…
Motivational Thoughts - Unusual Wednesday! Every minute in your ANGER with someone, you LOSE every 60 seconds of your peace which you can NEVER get…
Motivational Thoughts - Blessed Tuesday! Most of the time people THINK that the Grass is Greener on the other side. It means that people think…
Motivational Thoughts - Graceful Monday! If you want to live MORE in Life, then get up an hour EARLY every day. Use that extra hour…
Motivational Thoughts - Glowing Sunday! The PAST is in your MIND, The FUTURE is in your EYES, and the PRESENT is in your HANDS. Focus…
Motivational Thoughts - Responsible Saturday! It is important to have the MATURITY to know that sometimes SILENCE is more POWERFUL, than having the LAST Word.…
Motivational Thoughts - Radiant Friday! Don’t let the FEAR of LOSING be Greater than the EXCITEMENT of WINNING in life. If you Fear losing then…
Motivational Thoughts - Hopeful Thursday! If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long JOURNEY, most of us would NEVER start out at…
Motivational Thoughts - Genuine Wednesday! Always, the First to Apologize is the BRAVEST. The First to Forgive is the STRONGEST. The person who Overlooks other’s…