Intelligent Saturday
Motivational Thoughts - Intelligent Saturday! SUCCESS does not depend on making IMPORTANT Decisions QUICKLY, but it depends on taking Quick and Timely ACTION on Important…
Motivational Thoughts - Intelligent Saturday! SUCCESS does not depend on making IMPORTANT Decisions QUICKLY, but it depends on taking Quick and Timely ACTION on Important…
2020 has gone down in history as one of the most memorable years in human history. Despite all the negative impacts, I see some important…
Motivational Thoughts - Glorious Friday! When people BELIEVE in you, you receive COURAGE and MOTIVATION. But when you Believe in YOURSELF, you receive an Infinite…
Motivational Thoughts - Memorable Thursday! When someone BEATS a carpet, the blows are NOT against the carpet, but against the dust HIDDEN in it. Similarly,…
Motivational Thoughts - Devoted Wednesday! MATURITY is to realize that you CAN'T have everything you WANT; while WISDOM is in being GRATEFUL that you DON'T…
Motivational Thoughts - Stunning Tuesday! If you walk only on SUNNY Days, you'll NEVER reach your DESTINATION on Time. Never worry about CHANGE in weather…
Motivational Thoughts - Practical Monday! No AMOUNT of words will bring UNDERSTANDING to one who DOESN'T want to Understand. And WORDS will seem UNNECESSARY to…
Motivational Thoughts - Comfortable Sunday! Sometimes your HEART needs MORE time to ACCEPT what your MIND already KNOWS; And sometimes it Accepts things FASTER even…
This article is to share some views on the best vocational course integration for K-12 Schools in India. There are multiple vocational courses available in…