Complete Focused Friday!

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Thought of the Day – Complete Focused Friday!

The DIFFERENCE between a SUCCESSFUL person and others is NOT a Lack of Strength nor a Lack of Knowledge but rather a LACK of WILL. “WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY”; and this is always TRUE. Never look for reasons to ESCAPE from the Hard work in Life. ENABLE yourself with a STRONG WILLPOWER to find your way on this Complete Focused Friday!

आज का विचार – पूर्ण केंद्रित शुक्रवार!

एक सफल व्यक्ति और दूसरों के बीच का अंतर ताकत की कमी नहीं है और न ही ज्ञान की कमी है, बल्कि इच्छाशक्ति की कमी है। जहां चाह, वहां राह; और यह हमेशा सच है। जीवन में कड़ी मेहनत से भागने के कारणों की तलाश कभी न करें। इस पूर्ण केंद्रित शुक्रवार को अपना रास्ता खोजने के लिए एक मजबूत इच्छाशक्ति के साथ खुद को सक्षम करें।

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Aashish Agrawal

Hi, my name is Aashish Agrawal, passionate about Spirituality, Astrology, Health & Wellness, Education, and sharing Life Learnings. I firmly believe that Happiness is the most important element of Life. This site is set up to explore, discuss and share information on different topics in these categories. I am on a mission to spread Positivity and Happiness with others across the world.Requesting you to join me and spread it in your network as well.