Sparkling Saturday!

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Thought of the Day – Sparkling Saturday!

Let your Light SHINE so Brightly that others can SEE their way out of the DARK. Develop yourself in such a way that OTHERS can be BENEFITED with your PRESENCE on this Sparkling Saturday!

आज का विचार – चमकता शनिवार

अपने प्रकाश को इतना उज्ज्वल रूप से चमकने दें कि अन्य लोग अंधेरे से अपना रास्ता देख सकें। अपने आप को इस तरह से विकसित करें कि इस चमकते शनिवार को आपकी उपस्थिति से दूसरों को फायदा हो सके।

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Awesome line

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Aashish Agrawal

Hi, my name is Aashish Agrawal, a Vastu Consultant and Astrologer from Bangalore - India, passionate about Spirituality, Vastu, Astrology, Education, and sharing Life Learnings. I firmly believe that Happiness comes only after you give it to others. This site is set up to explore, discuss and share information on different topics in these categories. I am on a mission to spread Positivity and Happiness with others across the world.Every problem in Life is solvable. If you want to try then send me an email with your problem statement. I'll help you with the relevant remedies to resolve those issues using the old wisdom of Vastu and Astrology.