WEALTHY Wednesday!

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Thought of the Day – WEALTHY Wednesday!

HAPPINESS brings in the SATISFACTION and Satisfaction brings in Happiness. But there is a huge difference between the two. “Happiness” gives Satisfaction for a SHORT time, and “Satisfaction” gives Happiness FOREVER. Focus on yourself to build the INNER SATISFACTION on this WEALTHY Wednesday!

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आज का विचार – धनी बुधवार

खुशी से संतुष्टि मिलती है और संतुष्टि से खुशी मिलती है। लेकिन दोनों में बहुत बड़ा अंतर है। “खुशी” थोड़े समय के लिए संतुष्टि देती है, और “संतुष्टि” हमेशा के लिए खुशी देती है। इस धनी बुधवार को आंतरिक संतुष्टि बनाने के लिए अपने आप पर ध्यान दें।

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Aashish Agrawal

Hi, my name is Aashish Agrawal, passionate about Spirituality, Astrology, Health & Wellness, Education, and sharing Life Learnings. I firmly believe that Happiness is the most important element of Life. This site is set up to explore, discuss and share information on different topics in these categories. I am on a mission to spread Positivity and Happiness with others across the world.Requesting you to join me and spread it in your network as well.