Weight Loss – Journey from 83 to 59 Kg

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Weight Loss – Journey from 83 to 59 Kg

Hi Friends, today I am sharing my Weight Loss Journey from 83 Kg to 59 Kg. The journey from 43 inches of the waist to 31 inches. A true story of Permanent Weight Loss and How to lose belly fat.

How to Reduce Weight

Whenever people come to know that I have reduced a huge amount of weight, the first thing everyone wants to know is How to reduce weight? Hence, I thought to write an article to address few questions which people ask frequently.

I have not taken any weight loss pills or weight loss superfoods, etc. to reduce my weight. It sounds unbelievable – but that is true. I have put in a lot of hard work with persistence, focus, and dedication to reach where I am today. I can say – all of that was worth doing it.

Starting the Weight Loss Journey

10th August 2017 scaled

I have been living a very lethargic lifestyle, with almost no physical activities since my childhood. I used to eat large portions of meals, Indian snacks (Namkeen mixtures), Sweets, chips, etc. Eating late-night meals, eating faster than the normal and big quantity of deserts.

My transformation story starts from 10th August 2017 onwards. This was the day when I received my Annual Sales Excellence Award for achieving my annual sales targets in the company I worked for. That day I decided why not to set a personal life target as well and achieve it. So, this was the ignition point towards my Weight Loss journey.

The first thing I thought was to start the physical activity. Hence, I planned to start with a morning walk. Now comes the most challenging part, waking up early morning every day and going for a walk is a bigger task for a lazy person like me. Hence, I thought to take the professional approach – Set the Annual Target and break it down to monthly and weekly targets.

Transformation Journey Started
Transformation Journey Started…

To overcome the mental block of waking -up early morning every day, I first started my walking sessions in the evening. On the first day, I walked for only 500 meters. in 8 minutes and was completely exhausted. Within 2 weeks of regular walking, I was feeling better and motivated, hence decided to start the same in the morning as well.

During this period, I also came across 2 mobile Apps – Healthifyme and GoogleFit. Both these apps have helped me a lot to track my daily food intake and total daily travel distance. Healthifyme mobile app is a fantastic app that helps to record everything I eat, and it has also made me streamlined my eating habits. It helped me to track my eating habits and to keep a close watch on my daily calorie count and the food quantity I eat during every meal. I have started eating 5 times a day, small portions of meals. Morning Breakfast – Mid-morning snacks – Lunch – Afternoon snacks – Dinner.

I have made it a regular practice that before I sit to eat any meal, I make an entry in the HealthifyMe app with the quantity I am planning to eat. This approach has improved me a lot to control my food quantity and the type of food I would eat. It has made my eating habits much more efficient and effective.

This does not mean that I have started any diet plan. I had regular food with just added salad to it. As I have a sweet tooth and can’t live without sweets, so I ensured that I eat within the permissible calorie intake required for the meal and for the day in total. While adapting to this process, one thing which I followed very strictly was that I controlled my carbohydrate intake quantity.

I have stopped eating Pizza, bread, burger, pasta, extra chapatis, etc. While using this mobile application, I realized that earlier I used to consume more than 2100 calories per day and not even doing any exercise. Wherein I need to reduce my calorie intake to 1400 calories per day for effective weight loss results.

Burn Your Calories

My first turning point in the entire weight loss journey was when I started walking in the morning and evening. I distributed my daily target of 2 KM into 2 parts – 1 KM in the morning and 1 Km in the evening. I started enjoying the walk as I was getting a sense of achievement every day.

During the first 3 months, I have reached my daily walking target of 5 KM per day. By doing this, I have also started losing inches from around my waist. It moved from 43 inches to 41 inches. It was an encouraging point in my weight loss journey. Now I have decided to shift my waist belt holes every month.

I was enjoying my everyday body transformation. Every day, I click my pictures and I check my weight. Almost every 15-20 days, I watch my waist belt shifting to a newer hole and my trousers were getting loose.

By the 6th month, I have reached my daily walking target of a minimum of 10,000 steps. To achieve this target and keep self-motivated, I have distributed my walking to morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. This was a conscious step to ensure that my body starts adapting to the new lifestyle.

I also learned that during the initial days we need to control few eating habits with regular physical activity, to set the body clock and its metabolic rate. Gradually we can start eating everything, including the controlled carbohydrate intake every day.

For physical activities, the best workable solutions for a lifetime are walking and jogging. It is not required to visit the Gym to reduce your body weight. Walking is highly effective and does not need any specific place or equipment, which can be done anywhere, anytime.

Visible Change in FIrst 12 Months

After 1 year of a regular walking schedule, I have gradually shifted to jogging. I have started following a typical weekly running schedule for effective outcomes. My running Schedule has helped me a lot to build strength and stamina while I was losing weight and body fat as well.

Running Schedule

Workout TypeActivity
Time – Minutes
Speed – Kmph
Time – Minutes
# of
107.05460 minutes
38.03848 minutes
Workout minutes
86.02990 minutes
My weekly schedule –

Monday – Tempo Run (10 min run @ a speed of 7KMpH – 5 min walk);

Tuesday – floor exercise or mild walking

Wednesday (1) – Interval Run (3 min run @ a speed of 8 KMpH – 3 min walk)

Wednesday (2) – Speed Run (1.5 min run @ a speed of 9 KMpH – 3.5 min walk);

Thursday – floor exercise or mild walking

Friday – Long Run (8 min run @ a speed of 6 KMPH – 2-minute walk)

Saturday– floor exercise or mild walking

Sunday – Complete rest

Interval and Speed runs are alternate weeks.

This schedule is highly effective and really helps in building stamina and also helps to improve the resting heart rate as well.

My First 10K Run

10K Run

After following the above running schedule for around 9-10 months, I participated and finished my first 10K run in 73 minutes. It was really an amazing feeling after the completion of the 10K run. It was an unbelievable feeling and a great sense of achievement. That day I realized that consistency, dedication, and focus always result in excellent outcomes.

DO’s and Don’ts for the Permanent Weight Loss

With my experience in this weight loss journey, there are a few DO’s and Don’ts, which I would like to recommend for effective results.

Treat Yourself Good


•            Eat 5 times a day – Morning Breakfast, Mid-morning Snacks, Lunch, Evening Snacks, and Dinner

•            Record every meal – Quantity and food type. I personally recommend Healthifyme App. It is highly effective. You can choose any other method or application to record your data.

•            Eat slowly and chew the food to the maximum no. of times.

•            Drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres of water every day.

•            Walk at least 5-7 KM per day. Ensure that you do a brisk walk, not a casual walk.

•            Reward yourself on every milestone achievement and set the next target.

•            Take a day’s rest once a week and ensure that you eat within the budgeted calorie limit, but do not over-pamper yourself with heavy food on a resting day.

•            Add fibre to your daily diet with an adequate amount of protein intake in food.


•            Never skip any meal – out of all 5 in a day.

•            Never eat fast and give sufficient time to chew and swallow the food.

•            Avoid eating excess food in any meal you eat. I personally prefer to drink 1-2 glasses of water at least 30 minutes before food.

•            Don’t eat too many carbs in your regular meals.

•            Don’t get afraid to treat yourself after achieving every milestone.

My Gradual Transformation

Gradual Positive Change

Most Significant Elements in my Weight Loss Journey

•            Set your goal and break it into small milestones.

•            Start small but maintain the continuity.

•            Compensate with exercise and food to balance your daily calorie intake.

•            Take enough rest to recover and recharge.

•            DO not eat late-night meals.

•            Measure your weight regularly to keep a close check on weight reduction.

•            Click your pictures every day to see the transformation and experience self-motivation.

•            Keep yourself self-motivated by achieving the daily targets of walking and budgeted calorie intake.

•            Keep drinking water at regular intervals and especially before you start feeling hungry.

•            Do not skip any of the 5 meals in a day.

•            Use technology to keep a close eye on your daily routine. In my case, it is HealthifyMe and GoogleFit Apps.

•            Implement the method of delayed gratification to self for getting rewarded.


March 2021 1 scaled

To conclude, I would like to say that Permanent Weight Loss is very much possible, and can be easily achieved if you start living a disciplined life. First, train your mind to follow a daily systematic routine that will help you achieve any target you set for yourself. Try to wake up early and sleep early, and finish your dinner latest by 7:30 PM every day.

The critical elements in my weight loss journey are Patience, Consistency, Dedication, Willpower, and Honesty. Never try shortcuts to lose weight quickly, as your body needs some time to adjust to the new metabolic rate. If you lose weight slowly, it will last long. Let your body adapt to the new healthy lifestyle for healthy living.

I hope you might have enjoyed reading my blog. Please do share your comments. Also, share with people who may need help to live a healthy life.

Weight Loss Target Achieved – Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished
Mission Accomplished!!! But the journey continues…

Disclaimer: The content shared in this blog is based on personal experiences, observations, and self-understanding through research. The details provided here are to share my experiences with people, only for educational and informational purposes, and it is not a piece of expert professional advice to the reader. The details mentioned in this blog do not bind or compel any person to follow the methods given here. The intent to write and share this blog is to communicate some insights on the possible Weight Loss methods which can help people to get motivated and encourage them to start living a healthy life.

Stay Happy and Healthy!!!

This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Anjali Khanna

    You are my role model, trying to follow but sometimes due to family commitments, I am unable to walk.

    1. Aashish Agrawal

      Thank you, Ma’am, for your appreciating words. It’s an honor to any student if his teacher sees him as their role model.
      Keep walking to stay Healthy and Happy in Life.

      1. Lalita Ganapathy

        Congratulations on your achievement. It was an interesting and detailed read. As you rightly said, coming out of comfort zone and entering into a commitment is very important along with determination.

  2. Vishwajeet Rajawat

    I’m really proud of you my friend. You are inspiration to many. I remember those days when we used to eat extra cheese burst pizzas in 2017 to the days in 2018 when we went to subway for all vegie salads. Your calorie calculator is amazing. This weight loss even with those anand bhavan desserts is amazing. Your discipline towards health and fitness is truly remarkable

    1. Aashish Agrawal

      Hey Vishy, It has been really a great journey so far. I also remember your encouraging attitude foreseeing me running 10K in the future. Thanks for all that support.

      Thank you for your appreciating words.

  3. Anonymous

    Great job Aashish ji. Truely inspirational.

    Warm Regards,
    Rajib Mojumdar

  4. Rajlaxmi

    Good job Aashish. It’s an achievement. It shows that with our willpower every thing is possible.

    1. Aashish Agrawal

      Absolutely True Ma’am…. Willpower is something that everyone has… It is just that if you use more it becomes stronger.

  5. subramanian

    Hi Aashish,

    great achievement. real dedication.

  6. Dr Vidya Shankar Shetty

    Aashish I liked your connect to a healthy life style with the achievement of our professional goals for which we all strive so hard. Your simple style of putting down your daily routine followed , which is not as easy as you make it seem to be could be a trigger for those attempting to attempt a healthy life style and encourage more selfies for a good cause

    1. Aashish Agrawal

      Thank you Dr. Vidya for your appreciating words. Really encouraging.

  7. Jyoti Khazanchi

    Amazing transformation Aashish!!!

  8. Sarla jain

    Awesome inspirational

  9. Deepali Sawant

    Hi Aashish,
    You have explained your journey so well . I am totally inspired. I can relate to first part when you actually realized the break point. Hats off to your dedication and consistency.

  10. Prakash Motwani

    Very nicely explained. You’re an inspiration Ashish. Keep up the great work.

  11. Meenakshi

    This is truly inspiring and motivating also..for this one needs to be committed and motivated for the goal to Achieve.
    Thanks for the inspirational article

  12. Ranjini

    Very nicely articulated!!

  13. Rajesh

    Your journey is truly been an inspiration to me Aashish I have told you this when we met last. Congratulations

  14. Anonymous

    It’s very inspiring and motivating

  15. Anonymous

    Very inspirational. even I have motivated …

  16. Susil

    Awesome, up to your commitment and planning.

  17. Swati

    Journey of wellness is explained very well.. Congratulations to you and remain hale and hearty.

  18. Sreejith G

    Love your planning, commitment and determination. I’m happy you could meet your target. Keep this going as sedentery lifestyle is very easy to return.

  19. Gurinderpal

    i have experience of Ashish’s professional commitments, but this is something which is beyond, transformation at this scale is amazing, this is nothing less than the self-discipline and commitment to live better life……..

  20. Vivek Bhargava

    Super Ashish bhai. Very inspiring!!

      1. Imtiaz

        Sir. This is inspiring. Thank you for your wonderful work and congratulations on your wonderful achievement.

  21. vaibhav

    Awesome, Inspirational

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Aashish Agrawal

Hi, my name is Aashish Agrawal, a Vastu Consultant and Astrologer from Bangalore - India, passionate about Spirituality, Vastu, Astrology, Education, and sharing Life Learnings. I firmly believe that Happiness comes only after you give it to others. This site is set up to explore, discuss and share information on different topics in these categories. I am on a mission to spread Positivity and Happiness with others across the world.Every problem in Life is solvable. If you want to try then send me an email with your problem statement. I'll help you with the relevant remedies to resolve those issues using the old wisdom of Vastu and Astrology.