Corona Virus Pandemic
I am writing this blog to share some insights on the approach required during the Corona Virus pandemic- Collaborative or Competitive approach! In this blog, I’ll also cover some key learnings from COVID-19; and ways to develop and practice Self-Control.
I have come across multiple people during this challenging period of the COVID-19 Pandemic and observed a few things very common among most of the people I have met or connected on a call.
During my discussions with different people, I found that most of the people are losing their self-control, patience, and unable to take this challenging situation optimistically. You may think, Pandemic, and Optimistically! HOW and WHY?
We need to appreciate that Nature has its own cycle to adjust the balance; and make all of us learn, the most important things of life which we are required to do. It means Health is always the front runner, then comes the co-operation and togetherness. All other things come after that.
What is optimistic about this Pandemic?
I see this Pandemic as great learning for all human beings, as it has given a chance to everyone to sit back and re-think, what they want from their lives. Are they really justifying their purpose in Life? I believe that the most important purpose of HUMAN Life is to be HAPPY.
What is Happiness?
I believe the True state of happiness comes when you have real peace of mind, and when you collaborate with others to share and support them.
The most critical learning in the present situation is to take a collaborative approach instead of the competitive approach. It does not mean that there should not be any competition.
If we observe carefully, it is always admirable to have competition between the people on a common platform with equal opportunities. The present situation is demanding to take the collaborative approach. This means being more HUMAN than just being an INDIVIDUAL person.
The education industry worldwide is adversely affected due to this pandemic. All the stakeholders are working together to mitigate the gap created due to the COVID-19.
As per the UNESCO report – COVID-19 pandemic has an adverse effect on education. More than 1.1 billion students and youth across the planet are affected by school and university closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Some key figures below are shocking:
1,186,127,211 affected learners
67.7% of total enrolled learners
144 country-wide closures
Key Learnings during Covid-19 Pandemic
When I look around, I observed that Nature is trying to make us learn some critical aspects to live our lives:
- Health comes First, rest all later.
- Learn and practice self-control.
- Develop, grow, and maintain a stable mindset.
- Keep yourself calm and compose during any challenging situation.
- How to be more collaborative instead of competitive for future development and growth.
- Can we develop, retain, and maintain the willpower in ourselves to fight any challenging situation?
Most of us might remember our childhood days when we have to sit in the class quietly to get rewarded. What was that? That activity was to learn and practice Self-Control and Patience. You can understand this concept through the “Marshmallow Experiment” which says that Patience is the key to success.
In the present Pandemic situation, most people are getting impatient and losing their self-control. The primary reason for losing self-control is the unexpected change in their lifestyle and the inflexible attitude to accept any sudden change in Life.
What improves the self-control?
Self-control is not about self-deficiency, and it is certainly not about penalizing yourself. Self-Control is often about redefining what is enjoyable or gratifying to you to keep harmful manners in tests. It is about taking control or authority over your own behaviors and learning to ignore instant desires, irrespective of how strong and influential they may be.
For the last few weeks, I was observing that there is some uncertainty between the school management, teachers, students, and parents. Everyone is trying to prove themselves right; This is the time when we need to look and learn from the delayed gratification method.
The question is how to encourage and practice this delayed gratification, when most of the people are used to live with their impatient, hectic lifestyle. This is the time to sit back, realize, and re-learn the fundamentals of life. This effort helps you to keep patience, stay calm, and collaborate with people to spread happiness.
Benefits of Delayed Gratification
Multiple studies demonstrate that delayed gratification is one of the most effective personal traits of successful people. Those who learn how to manage their needs, to be satisfied instantly, succeed more in their careers, relationships, health, and finances, than the people who give in to it.
Being able to delay satisfaction and happiness is not the easiest competence or skill to develop. It includes feelings unhappy and disappointment, which is why it appears unreasonable for people who have not understood to manage and control their desires.
Preferring to have something now may possibly feel good but making the effort to have discipline and manage your instincts and desires, can result in greater or better incentives and rewards in the future. Over a period delaying gratification will enhance your self-control and eventually help you accomplish your long-term objectives faster.
Practice Self-Control during Corona Virus Pandemic
There are different methods to develop, grow, and practice self-control; and maintain a steady mindset. Some of the methods which you can try:
- Do regular Meditation and Yoga (especially – the ANULOM-VILOM PRANAYAM for 30 min. every morning).
- Initiate creativity or pursue your Hobby during the challenging phase, which you could not do during your hectic schedules.
- Divert your mind towards positive thoughts and self-development.
- Listen to any music or play any instrument you love.
- Most importantly, keep reminding yourself that This is the time to wait, learn, and improve.
It is critical to understand that this Pandemic has affected the entire world. Most of the businesses and workplaces are at a standstill and are equally affected. People should not fear losing business during this phase as you are not the only one fighting this situation. The most important thing is to stay healthy and alive; so, you can run any business in the future.
What to do – Competition or Collaboration?
If you are confused about what to do during this Corona Virus Pandemic and how? So, here I suggest you take a comprehensive approach, which means a combination of a Competitive and Collaborative approach. Compete with yourself and collaborate with others to support, share, and socialize.

Competition with self means to improve your physical and mental health every day and try improving on it better from the previous day. Every day set a new level of challenge (here we are talking about only physical and mental challenges) and try to meet it every day. The next day increase the intensity or toughness of the challenge from the previous day and again work on it to reach the goal.

Simultaneously, the Collaborative approach will help you keep connected with people from different walks of life to connect, support, share and socialize with them. This can be done using the technology (video calls). Connect with people to share or involve in your daily task challenges and engage them as well to participate. Let you be the motivation to others and others being the Motivation to you.
This comprehensive approach means, first to oblige yourself for your good health and wellbeing. Then co-operate with others to uplift and support the needy during this tough time.
Let’s Go for it…
Please remember that the Good quality Seeds Sown today will give you the Best Harvest in the future. The collaborative approach can help millions of people, and take them in the same direction of Harmony, Satisfaction, and Happiness of togetherness.
Disclaimer: The content shared in this blog is based on personal observations and understanding of life. It does not bind or compel any person to follow the remedies or methods given in the article here. The suggestions are made purely based on personal research and experience. The intent to share this article is to share insight on the positive side of life during these challenging times.
Stay safe and Healthy!!!
You can also check some more topics on Life Lessons, Health, and Wellness or Daily Insights.
Thank you Mr. Banerjea for your appreciation
A systematic and logical approach to combat the demon outside by arousing the goodness within…
Great work Mr.Aashish!
Amazing insights Aashish
Helps the reader look at life and the current situation more positively
Thank you! Emraann, for sharing your thoughts on my post.
Amazingly scripted this blog which determined us and may determine others too. Keep up your great work..
Thank you.
Each and every word that you wrote give energy and inspiration to see life with different angle in this pandemic.
Thanks Ashish.
Thank You, Sushmita.
Very well written. Keep up the good work
An excellent lesson on coronavirus, We would love to hear and share your story.
Sure Surya, Thanks!
Well articulated Aashish. Good one. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Awesome Ashish.Nicely scripted and very apt to present situation.May this enlighten many more people.
Thank you Dr. Soonrita for your appreciation.
Very nicely articulated Aashish and keep up your good work
This pandemic has not only brought out your artistic and writing talents but also made you think deep about life now and in future
Great going!
Thank you very much