LIFE CHEMISTRY – Happiness vs Stress
Hello friends, I am here sharing the article on Life Chemistry, which is in continuation of my previous blog. I got a lot of calls and messages of appreciation, and a lot of them have asked to share something on Life Chemistry.
In chemistry, we study subatomic particles, atom, simple molecules, the occurrence of different elements and compounds in nature, and so on. Let us discuss the complex organic molecules found in our body, which determines our mood or our behavior. These chemicals determine our reaction to a specific situation.
What is Life Chemistry
Chemistry plays a significant role when we encounter others or talk to them or REACT when we face a situation. That is why many times you are sarcastically questioned – ‘ How is your chemistry with so and so?’
I am talking about the chemicals (biologically known as hormones) secreted in our body when we react to others or respond to the environment around us.
Chemistry of Happiness and Stress
We are always taught that we should live peacefully, we should be well behaved, we should not hurt others, and so on. This positive behavior is beneficial for our body, as when we are happy, happiness hormones (chemicals) are secreted in our bodies, which are – serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. These hormones are chemical messengers of our body that help us to bond with others, feel joy, and experience pleasure.

- Serotonin is a ‘feel-good’ hormone.
- Oxytocin regulates our immune system and plays a vital role in healing and pain perception.
- Dopamine is a motivational hormone.
Most of you have studied about the term ‘Hormone’ in class 8 and 12. These hormones are chemicals secreted from endocrine glands and are critical components of our health like growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction.
Happiness Chemistry

If you are happy, you will make others happy, and as a result, more and more of these hormones will be secreted in your body, keeping you fit and fine. And that is the reason you are always advised to stay calm and happy, not hurt or hate others, or feel jealous.
Happiness hormones are a reflection of your environment, relationships, diet, exercise regime, and even your gut microbes.
If you have a disciplined lifestyle, caring relationship, good friends, pets, etc., your oxytocin level remains high, and as a result, you’ll be in good health, and the chances of developing lifestyle or chronic diseases will reduce.
Stress Chemistry

On the flip side, when you are in stress, cortisol (another hormone) is secreted from the adrenal gland, which results in increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased sugar level in the bloodstream, which causes an imbalance of metabolic activities.
Multiple research recommends that prolonged stress causes high blood pressure. Moreover, it also promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits, obesity, high blood sugar level, and causes brain change that might contribute to anxiety, depression, and even addiction.
So, to sum up, this knowledge of chemicals suggests we should strive for good chemistry with others. Additionally, we should always enjoy close relationships with family and friends to receive emotional support that indirectly helps us to reduce stress hormones and increase happiness hormones.
Stay HAPPY and Spread Happiness…
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Thanks mam for sharing this information. We are able to develop a view regarding our life in relation to chemistry.
Excellent … Great…. Quite interesting and informative…. Keep blogging good things…