I got a chance to travel early on in my life…it made me aware of people and cultures. Luckily, I traveled time and again through the years. But as I grow older, I realize it appeals to me because, in addition to understanding people, it helps me understand myself. It helps me to untie the knots that I weave into my life, sometimes consciously, sometimes otherwise
Traveling shifts your perspective expands the possibilities and makes you very humble. So, travel when you can. Apart from enjoying the sights and culture, find some quiet time for yourself. Take a walk alone. Listen to what the place is telling you.

I sit at the breakfast table in my hotel on top of a mountain in a small Swiss town at the border of Italy, overlooking the majestic Swiss Alps. I have always loved mountains with tall pine trees and other evergreens.
For me, they signify strength, supporting life-immovable that have stood years witnessing the changes around them They teach me to be a rock for the people who count on me. They teach me to be gracious- to give when I can. But often, this leads to expectations, strained relations, and hurt- things that have burdened us all at some point.

Looking down into this beautiful town from the mountain gives a different perspective. Everything looks small, the houses, the cars, the buses. There are people within probably running around with their lives, their hopes, their problems, and their worries. Some real and others a manifestation of their expectations. In the routine, they might forget what really matters.
From up here, I realize how small then that problem becomes in the larger universe of life.
In our daily run of the mill issues, maybe we need to take a step back and process through our myriad problems to see if they are big enough to carry around. And often we will realize that they aren’t.
From time to time, we need to view what we are carrying around. We need to ask questions- does it really matter who won the argument? Do I need the negativity of the hurt? Maybe it’s not worth the peace of mind. Maybe it’s time to leave it behind and grow.
I run to catch a bus to the conference center at the base of the mountain. Riding down this curvaceous road, I feel it’s like navigating through my life… some straight stretches and some sharp bends but I make it down safe on every ride.

Through all the big and small issues, we encounter in our life, we will all make it fine in the end. Enjoy the stretches and feel the adventure on the curves! When at the top of the mountain, throw out the mundane, and when you get to the ground focus on what really matters.
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Very nicely written. Sometimes we need to see our problems as third person and then react to it or take steps towards it.
Excellent ! The message is conveyed nicely.
Very good. Interesting blog.